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Session 2: Let's talk about professions 

During this session, the students will learn about not really common professions, they will do that through a game. After that, they will prepare their costume proposal for carnival.

Description of the activities:

Objectives of the session:

  • Play the professions’ bingo.


  • Learn new and not common professions taught in the English lessons.


  • Brainstorm about different costumes they would like to dress-up like.


  • Create a proposal for their favourite idea and vote for one.

Activity 1: Bingo


This is an introductory activity done without much explanation about it. The idea is to make students play a game with professions’ vocabulary in order to learn it in a fun way.


              Class organization: Whole class


              Timing:  15 minutes

Activity 2:  “You remember that Mr. Carnival never wanted to work on the story we read, right? That is why professions is the perfect topic to choose and make fun of him.


Little introductory explanation on the idea of professions and why it is a good idea to dress-up as a profession they might not know yet.


              Class organization: Whole class


              Timing:  15 minutes

Activity 3:  As there has been a discussion about some professions and how are they called in English, the teacher will ask them to choose one, the one they like the most, it can be one they have not talked about before.


             Class organization:  Whole class


              Timing:  5 minutes


Activity 4:  Choosing just one profession, they have to create a proposal in order to vote for the costume they like the most and, with that proposal, try to convince their classmates in order to dress-up as the costume idea they have thought about. The proposal must include:


1. A brief description using sentences like: “The jacket is blue and white” “A pair of black boots” “A yellow and black suit”


2. A picture /drawing of the costume they thought about.


They will watch a video to see which kind of sentences they can write to describe the costumes.
















             Class organization:  Individual


              Timing:   25 minutes


Activity 5:  After that, there will be a brief presentation of the costumes in order to choose the one they prefer. Each kid will have to say the costume they would like to wear and the materials they might need to do it.

Each costume will be assigned a random number in order for later to vote for them.



             Class organization:  Whole class


              Timing:  15 minutes

Activity 6:  Through a poll, each students will choose the costume they prefer. After voting, the one that is more times voted will be the costume chosen.


  Class organization: Whole class


              Timing:  10 minutes


Extra activity: This is an extra activity to work with the activity they did with the proposals and the votes.


When having all the proposals, the teacher will give the students a grid with spaces to locate all the students’ proposals on it and the amount of votes each proposal had at the end.

When finishing, the students will elaborate a graphic related to the proposals and the number of votes each one had.




Class organization: Individual

     Timing:   30  minutes




  • A worksheet with space for materials, arguments, description and for the drawing. 


  • Presentation with materials and how they are called in English.


  • Video to show some examples on how to write the brief description.





  • Participation and motivation during the bingo game and the brainstorming of the professions for the costumes.


  • The pieces of writing they do for the proposals.



Attention to diversity:


Students will be provided with a presentation about the different materials they can use, if some of them are not on the list they can ask or look it up on the dictionary.

The glossary will also contain pictures and if it is possible some real samples could be brought into the classroom.

Also, they can use the bingo boards, used to play previously to get ideas with the professions


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