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My Teaching unit - Carnival, jobs and professions 

This teaching unit is aimed for the students to work before their Carnival week starts. The purpose of it is to work Carnival in a deeper way and use this topic to work as many competencies as possible. This teaching unit is also designed to make students learn content and language at the same time as the activities are made to work following the CLIL methodology. 

Context: The teaching uni will be developed in 5th grade during the Arts and Crafts and English hours



Timing: The sessions will be divided into two types:

The ones that will last 1 HOUR: sessions 4 and 5

The ones that will last 1 HOUR AND A HALF: sessions 1, 2, 3 and 6



Driving question:  How can we become (profession) before finishing primary school?


Key competencies: 

Communication in 
foreign language
Learning to larn 
Cultural expression and awareness
Digital competence
Social and civir competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

General objectives of the sequence:


  1. Discover a bit of the history of the carnival festivity and how it is celebrated in Brazil, New Orleans and Italy.

  2. Calculate, thanks to the moon calendar, when is carnival going to be.

  3. Learn about professions and jobs.

  4. Create a proposal for the carnival costume and accessory and decide the costume they want to use.

  5. Create an accessory for their carnival costume.



Specific objectives- Discursive objectives


  1. Learn vocabulary about the festivity of carnival (costume, mask, parade, march, masquerade).

  2. Learn new professions/jobs and vocabulary related to them.

  3. Use of sentences to work with descriptions.

  4. Use of predictions and the will form.


Specific objectives- Learning objectives


  1. Discover about Carnival’s history and how it is being celebrated in Brazil, New Orleans and Italy.

  2. Learn how to calculate dates thanks to the moon calendar.

  3. Learn how to create a guitar.

  4. Learn a Rock song.

  5. Translate a song in Spanish into English.


Content- Linguistic content


  • Vocabulary related to carnival such as: costume, masquerade, march, parade, mask.

  • Predictions using will “In 2018 carnival will happen...”

  • Vocabulary related to jobs and professions such as tools, not so common professions...

  • Descriptions using short sentences, verbs in the future or present and different types of adjectives.



Content- Subject content


  • Carnival’s history.

  • Carnival’s celebration in Brasil, New Orleans and Italy.

  • Moon Calendar and its characteristics.

  • Rock song. 


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